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Draft SGBV Sessions Guidelines Reviewed
Group Photo: SGBV

ThePrincipal Judge, Hon. Justice Dr Flavian Zeija, chaired a high-level meeting that wasorganized to deliberate on the upcoming sessions on Sexual and Gender BasedViolence (SGBV) cases.

The meeting took place at Mestil Hotel in Kampala. Participants comprised seniorofficials from the Judiciary, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions,Uganda Prisons Services (UPS), Uganda Law Society, Ministry of Gender, UgandaPolice Force, the Justice Law and Order Secretariat. Officials from the UnitedNations Population Fund (UNFPA) were equally present.

Keyamong the issues that were discussed were proposed guidelines for the sessions.The guidelines cover pre-session trainings and post session evaluation, causelisting of cases, pre-session meeting and stakeholder management.

Further,the guidelines lay out parameters for the hearing of cases, payment andutilization of session funds, session reports as well as the duration andamendment of the guidelines.

It wasagreed that the 50 cases cause listed, would be, "only cases that are ready andripe for hearing."

In termsof hearings, "adjournments shall sparingly be granted in deservingcircumstances and for very short period to ensure that all the cases are completedduring the session, "the guidelines read in part."


Duringthe discussion on the roles of the different justice actors, Mr Samuel Akena,the Director Custodial Services at UPS, noted that there is an increase in SGBVoffences. While presenting the current statistics of sexual offenders, he saidthere 8,162 convicted sexual offenders. Of these 51 are female. It was notedthat majority of the convicts, 5,373 are serving sentences for aggravatedDefilement of these, 36 are female.

Currently,there 6,778 inmates on remand for various sexual offences. "There are 4,225inmates on remand for Aggravated Defilement, 1,297 for Rape, Defilement andattempted Defilement there are 982. Domestic violence accounts 129 remands,Attempted Rape there are 98 and Indecent Assault there are 47 remandees."

Impact of Covid-19

Mr EdsonMuhwezi from the UNFPA noted that the current statistics of SGBV cases havebeen worsened by Covid-19. "This will put a strain on the under-funded andunder-resourced criminal justice system. "In March 2020, the Uganda ChildHelpline/Sauti call centre recorded 24,085 GBV calls, am increment of 5,088calls up from 18,977 calls received in February."

Hecalled for the operationalization and usage of remote services and virtualcourts such as use of telephone and video hearings in dispensation of justiceespecially in SGBV cases.

Phase III Sessions

ThePrincipal Judge said the 700 cases to be cleared in the dedicated sessionswill, "urgently counter the growing menace of SGBV offences as well as tofulfill Uganda’s commitments to eradicate SGBV under the Maputo Declaration onGender Mainstreaming and effective participation of women in the African Union.The Kampala Declaration on the fight against SGBV in the Greats Lakes Regionand the United Nations, Sustainable Development Goal 5, all of which prioritizeelimination of gender inequality and SGBV."

Ms LucyLadira, the Criminal Justice Advisor at the JLOS Secretariat called for a"collaborative and reflective process will enable us consolidate the gains overthe past two years and provide more effective and faster justice to victims ofSGBV."


Themeeting agreed to hold a pre-session on August 17 and that the dedicatedsessions should kick off on September 1 for a period of 45 days.

Posted 4th, August 2020
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